No. We do not keep track of those who claimed your coupon.
Category Archives: Coupon
Is there a report showing the number of coupons claimed?
Yes. Our Analytic Report will show the number of coupons being claimed. You can view the report from our Overview Reports-Component-Coupon.
Can I put in any image as the background of the coupon?
Yes, you can upload an image for your coupon. We only support .jpg, .gif, .png and .bmp file format for the time being. It is recommended to use JPEG (.jpg) format for best compatibility.
Step-By-Step: Coupon Component
Step 1: Choose Coupon Component in the component selection. Step 2: From Edit Panel, type the tab name and Click the Upload Images Step 3.1: On Gallery, select the image that you want to upload. Click the uploaded image and click on Add Selected File button. Step 3.2: Click on the Click to Edit button to crop your image. Drag the box to the area of the image […]