Embed Analytic Report

Embed Analytic Report is another available embed tools where you can embed our analytic report into your platform. This allow your user to view analytic report data within your platform.

To use our embed analytic report, you will need to embed our code snippet inside your platform. No coding work is necessary.

Technical Specification

Code Snippet:

<div id=”rma-embedded-report” style=”height:700px;”></div>
<script src=”http://www.mobileads.com/mad/embed-report?access_token=&embedded=1&type=0″ type=”text/javascript”></script>

Required Parameters:

  • access_token: sub-account access token is needed to let us determine which sub-account is accessing the report. This will ensure the correct data is shown to the correct sub-account

Optional Parameters:

  • adLbl: specify a replacement label for the ad combobox selection. By default, the label will be called Ad. If your platform prefer to call an ad with a different name (i.e creative), pass in this parameter and specify the label you would like to use.

Upgrading to Paid Plan

When you first sign up for an account, you are using our FREE subscription plan where it gives you access to explore our dashboard, ad creator as well as our analytic report. You may also create an ad and share the preview with anyone by giving them the preview link generated.

However, to run your campaign live, you will need to upgrade your account to our paid subscription plan.

Here’s the steps on how you can upgrade your subscription plan:-

Step 1: Go to our Change Plan page from your account details dropdown located at the top right corner of our dashboard

step 1

Step 2: You will then be taken to the change plan page where you can see all our available subscription plans

step 2

Step 3: You may then choose the subscription plan that suits your needs and click on the select button to select the plan you want. Once you clicked on the button, a pop up page will appear for you to fill in your details for the invoice


Step 4: Once done filling up the form, you can proceed to submit the form and our finance department will prepare and send you a Paypal invoice.

Step 5: Once you’ve made the payment, your new subscription will be activated and you may start running your campaign

If you did not see your subscription plan updated after 12 hours upon payment made, do send us an email at [email protected].

Ad Tag Generation

Ad Tag is a script that is used to serve out the Ad created using our Ad Creator.

Using our Ad Tag generator, you can easily create Ad Tag that is already compatible with many of our supported DSPs/Ad Exchanges/Ad Networks.

Below is a simple anatomy of our Ad Tag Generator.

Part 1: Generated Ad Tag

At the top of the generator is your Ad Tag. This is the Ad Tag that you should copy and use in those DSPs/Ad Exchanges/Ad Networks.



Part 2: Inventory Setting

This is where you set options related to how and where you want the Ad to be served.


  • Enable Secure Serving (HTTPS)
    • Secure serving is required in secure website such as website that is loading using HTTPS instead of HTTP in their domain.
    • Enabling this will allow you to serve your ad in both non-secure and also secure website and thus widen your ad campaign’s reach.
  • Tune Marketing Console (TMC)
    • Tune is one of our partner for attribution tracking.
    • If you already have an account with TMC and would like to use its attribution tracking, then please check this option.
    • If you do not have a TMC account, you can learn more about TMC here.
  • Platform Selection
    • Specify which platform you plan to run this Ad Tag in (DSPs/Ad Exchanges/Ad Networks).
    • We have a list of supported platforms you can select from and once selected, all the necessary options and tracking macros will be optimized for the selected platform.
    • This will allow both our platform and the selected platform to track data more accurately and reduce discrepancies.
  • Cachebuster Macro
    • This is a placeholder that will be generated in real time during ad serving.
    • This is important to ensure ad is not cache in browser and affect tracking accuracy.
    • Will automatically filled in when selecting a supported platform.
  • Click Macro
    • This is also a placeholder that will be generated in real time during ad serving.
    • This is to allow the DSPs/Ad Exchanges/Ad Networks to also track clickthrough on the Ad.
    • Will automatically filled in when selecting a supported platform.

Part 3: External Tracking Setting

This is where you set any third party external tracker that you would like to use with the Ad. Some brands may require a third party tracking platform to be used to track certain metrics as to counter-check for discrepancy. Learn more about how to use external tracker here.


  • Impression Tracker/Beacon
    • Insert the URL of the tracker here to track impression of the Ad.
    • This tracker will fire when the Ad is loaded.
  • Clickthrough Tracker/Beacon
    • Insert the URL of the tracker here to track click to landing page that happens within the Ad.
    • This tracker will fire when an audience clicks anywhere within the Ad that brings them to a landing page.
  • Click-to-Expand Tracker/Beacon
    • Insert the URL of the tracker here to track click to expand for Expandable Ad.
    • This tracker is fired when an audience click on the teaser banner to expand the Ad.
  • Tab Click Tracker/Beacon
    • Insert the URL of the tracker here to track click on the tab within Ad.
    • This tracker is fired when an audience click on any of the tab within the Ad to view the tab’s content.

Part 4: Generate Ad Tag

Finally, click on the Generate Ad Tag button to generate the Ad Tag. You can then copy the generated Ad Tag and use it in the selected DSPs/Ad Exchanges/Ad Networks.



If you faced with any issues during the ad tag generation or if you would like to use the ad tag in an unsupported platform, please contact your account manager or send us a message at [email protected].



Setting Up Your Custom Support Email

Setting up your own custom support email will allow your client to receive emails from the platform via your support email address instead of ours.

This is especially important when giving Reporting Dashboard and Ad Creator access to your client as the platform will send their login details via email.

Here are the steps to prepare your custom support email:-

  1. Choose a subdomain that will be used for your email (i.e mail.yourdomain.com or support.yourdomain.com etc)
  2. Contact your account manager or our support team, inform them of the subdomain of your choice as well as the email address you would like to use (i.e [email protected])
  3. They will then prepare and give you your DNS setting details. You will get 3 host names and 3 values as below:-
    1. Host: subdomain.yourdomain.com, Value: xxx.sendgrid.net
    2. Host: s1._domainkey.yourdomain.com, Value: s1.domainkey.xxx.sendgrid.net
    3. Host : s2._domainkey.yourdomain.com, Value : s2.domainkey.xxx.sendgrid.net
  4. Once you get the DNS details, go to the DNS setting for your domain and create new CNAME record for each of the host names above (do note that every domain will have it’s own unique details and you should not use the sample provided above)
  5. Once done, inform us and we will help to verify your  set up

Once we verified that everything is set up properly, your custom domain set up will be done.

If you require any assistance in setting up, feel free to contact your account manager or send an email to our support team at [email protected].

How To Use Our Ad Tag In Sitescout

Update: Sitescout  no longer support third party ad tag and therefore, newly sign up user will need to apply to use third-party ad tag. Learn how to apply here.

Once you’ve received the approval notice from Sitescout you may start using our Ad Tag following the steps below.

Step 1: Login to your account in MobileAds  and generate your Sitescout compatible Ad Tag (Refer to image below). Learn how to generate Ad Tag here.


Step 2: Next, login to your account in Sitescout.


Step 3: From the dashboard, click on the New button to create a new campaign. Create campaign that suits the ad tag that you’ve generated as follow:-

Step 3.1: Desktop

Website Campaign: Select this when creating a campaign for your Desktop Ad Tag.

Video Campaign: Select this when creating a campaign for your Desktop VAST Tag.

Retargeting/Audience/Contextual Campaign: You can use the same Desktop Ad Tag to create these types of campaign if needed. You can learn more from Sitescout’s knowledge Center.


Step 3.2: Mobile

App Campaign: Select this type when creating campaign for your In-App Ad Tag.

Mobile Web Campaign: Select this when creating a campaign for your Mobile Web Ad Tag.

Mobile Video Campaign: Select this when creating a campaign for your Mobile VAST Tag.

Mobile Retargeting/Hyperlocal Campaign: You can use the same Mobile  Web Ad Tag to create these types of campaign if needed. You can learn more from Sitescout’s knowledge Center.


Step 4: After selecting the appropriate campaign type, proceed to fill in the necessary details for your campaign. Learn more on how to create campaign here.

Step 5: When it comes to adding creative for your campaign, click on the Add Creative button and select the appropriate creative type as follow:-

Ad Tag: Select this for your Desktop/Mobile Web Ad that is non-expandable (i.e 300×250 Ad Size).

Expandable Web Ad Tag: Select this for Desktop/Mobile Web Ad that is expandable (i.e 320×50 expands to 320×480).

MRAID Ad Tag: Select this for your In-App Ad whether it is non-expandable or expandable.

VAST: Select this for your VAST Ad.


Step 5.1: After selecting the creative type, next is to enter details for the creative. Select the dimension of the ad (for 320×50 expands to 320×480 expandable ad, select 320×50 as the dimension).

Step 5.2: If you are creating an expandable ad, select ‘Any Diagonal’ as the expanding direction.

Step 5.3: Paste our Sitescout compatible Ad Tag into the Tag Code box.

Step 5.4: Select Ad Tag is Secure checkbox so inform Sitescout that your Ad Tag is secure and can be used to target a wider range of inventories.

Step 5.5: Finally, click on the Create Ad button to create your creative. Refer below image for a sample screenshot.


Step 6: Once you click Launch Campaign button in the last step of the campaign creation process, the campaign will be submitted for review and approval which might take around 24 hours or more. So it is best to allow a few days for the approval process.

If you encounter any issue while using our Ad Tag in Sitescout, please contact your account manager or send us a message at [email protected].

Step-By-Step: Click-to-Call

1. Click Click-to-Call from Component Selection



2. Type on the Name this tab and click Upload Image button



3. On Gallery, click Upload a File and select an image to upload. After successful upload, click the uploaded image and click Add Selected File.


4. Enter the Link to Webpage url.


5. Enter the caption for click-to-call button.


6. Enter phone number


7. Click Set Font & Color Styles  to select Button Color, Font Color and Font Size of  click-to-call button and click Save Changes.



Request To Use Third-Party Ad Tag in Sitescout

Sitescout has changed their requirement and has removed third-party ad tag support in their system for new account.

You may also apply to use Centro DSP which is a sister company of SiteScout.
Centro DSP supports third party ad tag by default but has minimum requirements such as below:-
    1) Spends  > $10,000 / month
    2) Can commit to a 12-month contract
    3) Is a brand or an agency
If you meet the above requirements and are interested, you may apply for an account via this link: http://www.centro.net/products/dsp-programmatic-advertising

However, if you would like to continue to use Sitescout, you can still request to have third-party ad tag support in your account. There is a minimum spend of $5,000/month in order for your request to be approved.

If you meet the requirement, then you can proceed to request third-party ad tag support by following the steps below.

Step 1: Go to this link https://rtb.sitescout.com/apps/adtag to access the request form.

Step 2: Fill up the all required fields in the form with the necessary information.

Here’s some guide on how to answer some of the questions in the request form. 

Technical Information

  • For questions on who controls the ad serving technology, select the checkbox as shown below

  • For vendor’s contact information, enter the following value into the box as shown below
    • Vendor: MobileAds.com
      Contact Person: April Cheong
      Email: [email protected]
      Skype: april.cheong85

  •  For ad serving domain, enter the following value into the box as shown below
    • richmediaads.com

  • For question regarding cookie, select the following as shown below


  • On whether the ad tag will return the same ad, select the following as shown below


  • Copy and paste an ad tag generated from our platform into the box as shown below

SS_6The rest of the questions in the forms will require answer from your side so just fill them in and submit the request form.

Once Sitescout review and approve your application, you can start running campaign in Sitescout using our Ad Tag. Learn how to use our Ad Tag in Sitescout here.

If you encounter any issue with the request process, please contact your account manager or send us a message at [email protected].


How To Prepare Your Own Branded White Label

To prepare your own branded white label, follow the steps below.

  1. Create a new subdomain (i.e builder.yourdomain.com) and then CNAME it to whitelabel.richmediaads.com
  2. Send the following to your account manager or to [email protected]:-
    • Your account login email address
    • Your logo (max image height of 33 pixels)
    • The subdomain that you’ve just created

Upon receiving the logo and subdomain, we will enable your white label in our system.

If you are interested in giving your client Reporting Dashboard and Ad Creator access, you will need to set up your custom support email.

Learn how to set that up your custom support email here.

How To Use Our Ad Tag in Pocketmath

Step 1: Login to your account in MobileAds  and generate your PocketMath compatible Ad Tag (Refer to image below). Learn how to generate Ad Tag here.


Step 2: Next, login to your account in PocketMath.


Step 3: From the Dashboard, select Creatives and then create a new creative by clicking on the New Creative button.


Step 4: Creating a New Creative.

Step 4.1: Give your creative a name.

Step 4.2: Select the correct creative type as below:-

Javascript: Select this type when creating for your Mobile Web Ad Tag.

MRAID-1/MRAID-2: Select this type when creating for your In-App Ad Tag. Select MRAID-1 to have more available inventories.

VAST: Select this type when creating for your VAST Tag.

Step 5: Select the correct size for your creative. If you are creating for Expandable Ad, select the size of your teaser banner. i.e if your Expandable Ad size is 320×50 expands to 320×480, select 320×50 as the size.


Step 6: Take a screenshot of your Ad and upload it as the preview image. The size of the image should be the same as the creative size you’ve selected earlier.

Step 7: Paste our Ad Tag into the Content area.


Step 8: Fill in the rest of the required fields are click on the Submit button to submit your new creative.

Step 9: Your submitted creative will go through an approval process and once it is approved, you can start creating a campaign in PocketMath to run the Ad live.

If you encounter any issue while using our Ad Tag in PocketMath, please contact your account manager or send us a message at [email protected].

Where Can You Use Our Ad Tag?

Our Ad Tag can be used in almost any DSPs, Ad Exchanges or Ad Networks that supports third party ad tag.

Here’s the list of the top platforms that you can use our Ad Tag with:-

We will update the list from time to time.

Please let us know at [email protected] if you’ve tried with any other platforms or if you would like to run in other platform that is not currently in the list.