Step 1: Login to your account in MobileAds and generate your PocketMath compatible Ad Tag (Refer to image below). Learn how to generate Ad Tag here.
Step 2: Next, login to your account in PocketMath.
Step 3: From the Dashboard, select Creatives and then create a new creative by clicking on the New Creative button.
Step 4: Creating a New Creative.
Step 4.1: Give your creative a name.
Step 4.2: Select the correct creative type as below:-
Javascript: Select this type when creating for your Mobile Web Ad Tag.
MRAID-1/MRAID-2: Select this type when creating for your In-App Ad Tag. Select MRAID-1 to have more available inventories.
VAST: Select this type when creating for your VAST Tag.
Step 5: Select the correct size for your creative. If you are creating for Expandable Ad, select the size of your teaser banner. i.e if your Expandable Ad size is 320×50 expands to 320×480, select 320×50 as the size.
Step 6: Take a screenshot of your Ad and upload it as the preview image. The size of the image should be the same as the creative size you’ve selected earlier.
Step 7: Paste our Ad Tag into the Content area.
Step 8: Fill in the rest of the required fields are click on the Submit button to submit your new creative.
Step 9: Your submitted creative will go through an approval process and once it is approved, you can start creating a campaign in PocketMath to run the Ad live.
If you encounter any issue while using our Ad Tag in PocketMath, please contact your account manager or send us a message at [email protected].