Step 1: Choose Coupon Component in the component selection.
Step 2: From Edit Panel, type the tab name and Click the Upload Images
Step 3.1: On Gallery, select the image that you want to upload. Click the uploaded image and click on Add Selected File button.
Step 3.2: Click on the Click to Edit button to crop your image. Drag the box to the area of the image you want to crop. You can also resize the crop area by dragging the corner of the box. Click on the Crop Image button at the bottom of the panel to crop the image.
Step 4: Click By Visiting a Webpage and enter your website url in Insert webpage/site URL text field.
Or you can click BY displaying a coupon code and enter the Coupon Code in Create your coupon code here.
Step 6: Click Create/Edit Email Message button. Enter the Email Subject, Compose an Email Content and click Done button.
Step 7.1: You can select any Pre-claim Options if you want the user to Tweet or Like your Facebook Page before they can claim their coupon. Select the Twitter Tweet button. A Tweet Button will appear at the bottom of the ad unit. Enter a Predefined Tweet for your users to tweet and click Done button.
Step 7.2: Select the Facebook Share button. Enter the url of your Facebook page for users to share and click Done button. Finally, click on the Save Changes button to save your changes.